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- From: ignatios@cs.uni-bonn.de (Ignatios Souvatzis)
- Newsgroups: comp.protocols.ppp,news.answers,comp.answers
- Subject: comp.protocols.ppp part2 of 8 of frequently wanted information
- Supersedes: <ppp-faq/part2_805573201@cs.uni-bonn.de>
- Followup-To: poster
- Date: 26 Jul 1995 18:24:38 GMT
- Organization: computer science department, university of Bonn, Germany
- Lines: 256
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: 23 Aug 1995 18:20:02 GMT
- Message-ID: <ppp-faq/part2_806782802@cs.uni-bonn.de>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: theory.cs.uni-bonn.de
- Summary: This document contains information about the Internet Point-to-Point
- Protocol, including a bibliography, a list of public domain and
- commercial software and hardware implementations, a section on
- configuration hints and a list of frequently asked questions and
- answers on them.
- It should be read by anybody interested in connecting to Internet
- via serial lines, and by anybody wanting to post to
- comp.protocols.ppp (before he/she does it!)
- Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu comp.protocols.ppp:11718 news.answers:49357 comp.answers:13323
- Archive-name: ppp-faq/part2
- Version: $Revision: 3.15 $
- Last-modified: $Date: 94/11/28 20:10:10 $
- URL: http://cs.uni-bonn.de/ppp/part2.html
- What is PPP?
- Introduction
- PPP features which may or may not be present
- PPP glossary
- PPP-relevant RFC's
- 2.1 Introduction
- PPP is the Internet Standard for transmission of IP packets over serial
- lines. PPP supports async and sync lines. For a general discussion of
- PPP, and of the PPP vs. SLIP question, look at the paper
- ftp.uu.net:vendor/MorningStar/papers/sug91-cheapIP.ps.Z (paper) and
- sug91-cheapIP.shar.Z (overhead projector slides)
- 2.2 PPP features which may or may not be present
- Above and beyond compatibility with basic PPP framing, note whether the
- software implements the following features. Not all features are needed
- or even desired in every product. Please note also that not every free
- or commercial product description in this document has a complete list
- of all features includes.
- demand-dial Bring up a PPP interface and dial the phone when
- packets are queued for delivery; bring the
- interface down after some period of inactivity.
- redial (For lack of a better term)
- Bring up a PPP interface whenever it goes down,
- to keep a line up. (sometimes called camping)
- camping (on a line) see redial
- scripting Negotiate through a series of prompts or
- intermediate connections to bring up a PPP link,
- much like the sequence of events used to bring
- up a UUCP link.
- parallel Configure several PPP lines to the same
- destination and do load sharing between them.
- (In process of getting standardized.)
- filtering Select which packets to send down a link or
- whether to bring up a "demand-dial" link based
- on IP or TCP packet type or TOS, e.g. don't dial
- the phone for ICMP ping packets.
- header compression TCP header compression according to RFC1144.
- Marginally useful on high speed lines, essential
- for low speed lines.
- server Accept incoming PPP connections, which might well
- also include doing the right things with
- routing.
- tunneling Build a virtual network over a PPP link across a
- TCP stream through an existing IP network.
- extra escaping Byte-stuffing characters outside the negotiated
- asyncmap, configurable in advance but not
- negotiable.
- 2.3 PPP glossary
- Every new technology breeds its own set of acronyms. PPP is no
- different. Here is a glossary of sorts.
- ack Acknowledgement.
- AO Active open [state diagram] (no lonter part of the
- FSM as of RFC1331)
- C Close [state diagram]
- CHAP Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol
- (RFC1334)
- D Lower layer down [state diagram]
- DES Data Encryption Standard
- DNA Digital Network Architecture
- IETF Internet Engineering Task Force.
- IP Internet Protocol
- IPCP IP Control Protocol.
- IPX Internetwork Packet Exchange (Novell's networking
- stack)
- FCS Frame Check Sequence [X.25]
- FSA Finite State Automaton
- FSM Finite State Maschine
- LCP Link Control Protocol.
- LQR Link Quality Report.
- MD4 MD4 digital signature algorithm
- MD5 MD5 digital signature algorithm
- MRU Maximum Receive Unit
- MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
- nak Negative Acknowledgement
- NCP Network Control Protocol.
- NRZ Non-Return to Zero bit encoding. (SYNC ppp default
- because of
- availability)
- NRZI Non-Return to Zero Inverted bit encoding. (SYNC ppp
- preferred
- alternative to NRZ)
- OSI Open Systems Interconnect
- PAP Password Authentication Protocol (RFC1334)
- PDU Protocol Data Unit (i.e., packet)
- PO Passive open [no longer part of state diagram]
- PPP Point to Point Protocol (
- RFC1548 /
- RFC1549,
- 1332,
- 1333,
- 1334,
- 1551,
- 1376,
- 1377,
- 1378)
- RCA Receive Configure-Ack [state diagram]
- RCJ Receive Code-Reject [state diagram]
- RCN Receive Configure-Nak or -Reject [state diagram]
- RCR+ Receive good Configure-Request [state diagram]
- RER Receive Echo-Request [no longer part of state
- diagram]
- RFC Request for Comments (internet standard)
- RTA Receive Terminate-Ack [state diagram]
- RTR Receive Terminate-Request [state diagram]
- RUC Receive unknown code [state diagram]
- sca Send Configure-Ack [state diagram]
- scj Send Code-Reject [state diagram]
- scn Send Configure-Nak or -Reject [state diagram]
- scr Send Configure-Request [state diagram]
- ser Send Echo-Reply [no longer part of state diagram]
- sta Send Terminate-Ack [state diagram]
- str Send Terminate-Request [state diagram]
- ST-II Stream Protocol
- TO+ Timeout with counter > 0 [state diagram]
- TO- Timeout with counter expired [state diagram]
- VJ Van Jacobson (RFC1144 header compression algorithm)
- XNS Xerox Network Services
- 2.4 PPP relevant RFCs
- Here's a list with descriptions. Note some of these are obsolete. You
- might also want to search for recent RFCs or internet drafts in an
- up-to-date RFC archive.
- 1717 Sklower, K.; Lloyd, B.; McGregor, G.; Carr, DThe
- PPP Multilink Protocol (MP). 1994 November; 21 p.
- (Format: TXT=46264 bytes)
- 1663 Rand, DPPP Reliable Transmission. 1994 July; 8 p.
- (Format: TXT=17281 bytes)
- 1662 Simpson, W.,edPPP in HDLC-like Framing. 1994 July;
- 25 p. (Format: TXT=48058 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC
- 1549)
- 1661 Simpson, W.,edThe Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP).
- 1994 July; 52 p. (Format: TXT=103026 bytes)
- (Obsoletes RFC 1548)
- 1638 Baker, F.; Bowen, R.,edsPPP Bridging Control
- Protocol (BCP). 1994 June; 28 p. (Format:
- TXT=58477 bytes)
- 1619 Simpson, WPPP over SONET/SDH. 1994 May; 4 p.
- (Format: TXT=8893 bytes)
- 1618 Simpson, WPPP over ISDN. 1994 May; 6 p. (Format:
- TXT=14896 bytes)
- 1598 Simpson, WPPP in X.25. 1994 March; 7 p. (Format:
- TXT=13835 bytes)
- 1570 Simpson, W.,ed. PPP LCP Extensions. 1994 January;
- 18 p. (Format: TXT=35719 bytes) (Updates RFC 1548)
- 1553 Mathur, S.; Lewis, M. Compressing IPX Headers Over
- WAN Media (CIPX). 1993 December; 23 p. (Format:
- TXT=47450 bytes)
- 1552 Simpson, W. The PPP Internetwork Packet Exchange
- Control Protocol (IPXCP). 1993 December; 14 p.
- (Format: TXT=29174 bytes)
- 1551 Allen, M. Novell IPX Over Various WAN Media
- (IPXWAN). 1993 December; 22 p. (Format: TXT=54210
- bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 1362)
- 1549 Simpson, W.,ed. PPP in HDLC Framing. 1993
- December; 18 p. (Format: TXT=36353 bytes)
- (Obsoleted by RFC 1662)
- 1548 Simpson, W. The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP).
- 1993 December; 53 p. (Format: TXT=111638 bytes)
- (Obsoletes RFC 1331; Obsoleted by RFC 1661; Updated
- by RFC 1570)
- 1547 Perkins, D. Requirements for an Internet Standard
- Point-to-Point Protocol. 1993 December; 21 p.
- (Format: TXT=49811 bytes)
- 1378 PPP AppleTalk Control Protocol (ATCP). Parker, B.
- 1992 November; 16 p. (Format: TXT=28496 bytes)
- 1377 PPP OSI Network Layer Control Protocol (OSINLCP).
- Katz, D. 1992 November; 10 p. (Format: TXT=22109
- bytes)
- 1376 PPP DECnet Phase IV Control Protocol (DNCP).
- Senum, S.J. 1992 November; 6 p. (Format: TXT=12448
- bytes)
- 1362 Allen, M. Novell IPX Over Various WAN Media
- (IPXWAN). 1992 September; 18 p. (Format: TXT=30220
- bytes)
- 1334 PPP authentication protocols. Lloyd, B.; Simpson,
- W.A. 1992 October; 16 p. (Format: TXT=33248 bytes)
- 1333 PPP link quality monitoring. Simpson, W.A. 1992
- May; 15 p. (Format: TXT=29965 bytes)
- 1332 PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP).
- McGregor, G. 1992 May; 12 p. (Format: TXT=17613
- bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1172)
- 1331 Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) for the transmission
- of multi-protocol datagrams over point-to-point
- links. Simpson, W.A. 1992 May; 66 p. (Format:
- TXT=129892 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1171, RFC1172;
- obsoleted by RFC 1548)
- 1220 Point-to-Point Protocol extensions for bridging.
- Baker, F.,ed. 1991 April; 18 p. (Format: TXT=38165
- bytes)
- 1172 Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) initial
- configuration options. Perkins, D.; Hobby, R. 1990
- July; 38 p. (Format: TXT=76132 bytes) (Obsoleted by
- RFC1331, RFC1332)
- 1171 Point-to-Point Protocol for the transmission of
- multi-protocol datagrams over Point-to-Point links.
- Perkins, D. 1990 July; 48 p. (Format: TXT=92321
- bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1134; Obsoleted by RFC1331)
- 1134 Point-to-Point Protocol: A proposal for
- multi-protocol transmission of datagrams over
- Point-to-Point links. Perkins, D. 1989 November;
- 38 p. (Format: TXT=87352 bytes) (Obsoleted by
- RFC1171)
- 1144 Compressing TCP/IP headers for low-speed serial
- links. Jacobson, V. 1990 February; 43 p.
- (Format: TXT=120959 PS=534729 bytes)
- In comp.protocols.ppp (Message-ID:
- <BOB.92Dec3145948@volitans.MorningStar.Com>)
- bob@MorningStar.Com (Bob Sutterfield)
- wrote :
- All of 1134, 1171, and 1172 (and 1055, for that matter :-) have been
- obsoleted. They're interesting only if you want to debug a connection
- with an ancient PPP implementation, and you're wondering why (e.g.) it
- asked you for IPCP option 2 with a length of only 4, and
- Compression-Type 0x0037.
- (There's a lot of that still running around - be careful out there.)
- --
- --
- Ignatios Souvatzis
- -
- Solaris 2.1: it's slow, needs 200M of disk space and comes without C compiler,
- which makes it remarkably close to MS-Windows. oleg@gd.cs.csufresno.edu